Turmeric has a long history and many different applications. Especially in Asia, the orange roots of turmeric have been used for centuries as part of a healthy lifestyle. Keep reading […]
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MSc Nutrition and Health
Hanne van Meel is een autoriteit op het gebied van betrouwbare informatie over voeding en gezondheid en adviseert daarnaast over labeling en claimswetgeving.
Degrees & Achievements
Na het afronden van haar BSc Biologie en MSc Nutrition and Health (specialisatie Molecular Nutrition and Toxicology) aan de Wageningen Universiteit is ze gestart met haar eigen bedrijf Metis Food Consultancy. Hier gebruikt ze haar kennis en ervaring om betrouwbare informatie over voeding op een leuke en interessante manier te delen.
Bij Sapje helpt Hanne om ervoor te zorgen dat alle voedings- en gezondheidsinformatie op de website voldoet aan de Europese en Nederlandse wet- en regelgeving. Daarnaast schrijft Hanne regelmatig informatieve blogs over verschillende voedingsgerelateerde onderwerpen, zoals onze blogs over calcium en ijzer. Hierbij vindt ze het belangrijk dat de teksten voldoen aan de volgende punten:
• Betrouwbare informatie (wetenschappelijk onderbouwd)
• Duidelijk en begrijpelijk voor iedereen
• Leuk om te lezen
Wil je meer weten over Hanne van Meel en Metis Food Consultancy klik dan hier.
Turmeric has a long history and many different applications. Especially in Asia, the orange roots of turmeric have been used for centuries as part of a healthy lifestyle. Keep reading […]
Read moreMetabolism, you’ve probably heard of it before. But what is it exactly? And is it important? In this blog, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about your metabolism […]
Read moreSpring has started, which means there are plenty of delicious and healthy vegetables in season. This is the perfect time to experiment with different types of vegetables and perhaps discover […]
Read moreHas the arrival of spring also motivated you to exercise outdoors? With these 5 tips, you can enjoy your outdoor workout even more! Regular exercise is generally a gift to […]
Read moreAs the days get longer, temperatures rise, and the winter blues are conquered, outdoor exercise becomes increasingly attractive. Have you been planning to get more physical activity for a while, […]
Read moreJust as nature awakens after a long winter, your health can also bloom this spring. Harness that fresh spring energy and use these 5 tips to support your health. Time […]
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